Hi, My name is Savannah. I'm searching for an individual willing to provide : Services of a Live In Nanny
I heard from Caregiver, elder-LY watching, BABY-SITTER sites and likewise sites, that some people hiring, desires or wants sex ! I don't require such horror film in my life however this goes back to the "about myself" section as follows ! I can , be trusted.
I'm single and I reside at a small rent home I pay monthly to rent for myself and my roommate(my baby's father). I can only start out payments at small price at first but once I have a second income I can pay a larger payment for "The Nanny Care Position" I need for a caring individual to fill.
I am in the middle of a job for God! As my job for God requires I seek out a baby thief(admiringjustice.net,https://savannaheliseanderson.websites.co.in)and have them arrested as I am too a stolen baby from late 1900s; I was the bait and the two transgender men who appear and sound as women confusing everyone of USA stole me from my family of Israel and Iran as my family in Israel and Iran await I return to territory of Israel and Iran with four suspects gave to me by Jesus Christ to be transported to territory of Israel and Iran as I'm to marry the FBI (before transport of suspects most likely after i start college again as this makes sense with I placing my life path together Jesus Christ has me following) of Washington DC Location USA direct orders by Jesus Christ as I work for Jesus Christ and started receiving messages I started to understand after the set up homicide case of my third baby Kenneth Joshua Roberts The Second May 2020 as it is closed case told to me by Detective who was working the case; meaning I've freedom to investigate the homicide case and i am these very days of my third baby Kenneth Joshua Roberts The Second.
My Kiddy-Cat, My Kitty-Cat should be no problem! I did purchase my Cat a Cage he stays in at times, and I do plan on purchasing, on a later date, a bigger cage for my Cat, with I keep his litter with litter box and cat food, usually as always it is always, in his cage as well.
Home improvements are taking time. My Number Four Baby Delivery Date uncertain for I do plan a October to November at the latest November 2024 Delivery Date of my Number Four Baby, September 2024 would be an early and more unexpected and unwanted delivery date as I seek baby thieves these very days.
I'm searching for a Woman older than age 20 for this "Live in Nanny Position"!
* No Men May Apply Themselves
* No Children May Apply Themselves
* No Transgender Men May Apply Themselves : as Real Men with surgery and what more to appear as women and sound as women ARE NEVER WHO WE THINK THEY ARE! I'VE HAD MY ENTIRE LIFE OBSERVING SUCH MEN WITH SEX CHANGES AND SURGERIES TO UNDERSTAND : WE Aren't ALWAYS WHO WE MAKE OURSELVES TO BE.

Personal Care Assistance
A Care Needed is a website I'm creating in hopes to discover an individual searching for a live In nanny position.

Companionship Services
Social engagement and friendship to enhance emotional well-being.
I'm searching for a Woman older than age 20 for this live in nanny position!
* No Men May Apply Themselves
* No Children May Apply Themselves
* No Transgender Men May Apply Themselves as Real Men with surgery and what more to appear as women and sound as women ARE NEVER WHO WE THINK THEY ARE! IVE HAD MY ENTIRE LIFE OBSERVING SUCH MEN WITH SEX CHANGES AND SURGERIES TO UNDERSTAND : WE ARENT ALWAYS WHO WE MAKE OURSELVES TO BE.

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